Vista Codec Package 5.5.1

All the codecs you need for Vista to play AVIs, DVDs and more!

It does not contain a media player and it doesn't associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players' capabilities, to play DVD's, movies and video clips of almost any filetype. Streaming video is supported in all popular web browsers. By default you won't need to make any adjustments to enjoy a variety of media content immediately. Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable or after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and are capable of performing upgrade installations.

The Vista Codec Package is also compatible with all versions of Windows XP.
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ICQ 6.5.2024

With ICQ Instant Messenger you can video/audio chat, send email, SMS and wireless-pager messages, as well as transfer files and URLs. If you're away from your personal computer you can still chat with friends and contacts, even where the ICQ client is not installed, by using the web-based ICQ2Go that works from any computer.

You can customize your ICQ to be exactly what you need and always up-to-date by adding shortcuts to your favorite features in order to launch them directly from your ICQ. This means that you can send your friends & contacts greeting cards and invitations to games, multi chats, video sessions, and more directly from your client and/or the message window. In the message window you can also choose to display your photo or one of ICQ's unique, animated devils.

ICQ Open Xtraz are web based applications developed by ICQ users for enriching your ICQ experience. Now you can create, download, use and share with friends fun and useful applications such as music, games, gadgets and tools. Add as many as you like! You can find the list of Xtraz for download on the Xtraz Gallery.
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LogMeIn Hamachi is a VPN service that easily sets up in 10 minutes, and enables secure remote access to your business network, anywhere there's an Internet connection.

It works with your existing firewall, and requires no additional configuration. Hamachi is the first networking application to deliver an unprecedented level of direct peer-to-peer connectivity. It is simple, secure, and cost-effective.

Advantages of LogMeIn Hamachi:

* LAN over the Internet - Arrange multiple computers into their own secure network, just as if they were connected by a physical cable.
* Files and Network Drives - Access critical files and network drives.
* Zero-configuration - Works without having to adjust a firewall or router.
* Security - Industry leading encryption and authentication.
* Cost Effective - Free for non-commercial use.

Download Hamachi from
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Setting POP - SMTP Email yahoo di OPERA

Free Website Hosting

untuk saat ini Email yahoo yang bisa di setting POP & SMTP di opera hanya yang menggunakan server Email yg menggunakan server ( tidak bisa melayani setting pop. Ada beberapa langkah yg harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu sebelum setting POP di opera. Email yahoo kamu harus diganti dulu servernya ke server yahoo asia. Untuk lebih jelasnya ikuti langkah2 berikut ini :

1) Buka yahoo lalu masuk ke Account email kamu

2) Pilih OPTIONS (sebelah kanan atas) kemudian Pilih Information account  (sebelah kiri)

3) Masukkan Password kamu

4) pada menu informasi anggota/member information, klik edit 

5) Pada bagian isi yg dikehendaki/Preferred Content, pilih yahoo asia. lalu klik selesai/finished (isi email kamu akan berubah jadi bahasa inggris).

6) Kembali ke menu OPTIONS yahoo. 7) Pilih POP Access and Forwarding (sebelah kanan)

8) Masukkan account dan password kamu

9) Centang (isi) pada pilihan Web & POP Access(utk keterangan setting POP dari yahoo klik pop setting yang ada di sebelahnya)

10) Klik Finished (sebelah kanan atas)

11) Settingan di email yahoo sudah selesai sekarang kembali ke OPERA

12) Buka Opera, lalu pilih Tools >> Mail and Chat Account… >> Add..

13) pilih Email, lalu Next

Setting POP yahoo opera (1).JPG

14) isi nama dan alamat email lengkap kamu (, organisasi diisi bila perlu

Setting POP yahoo opera (2)

15) isi Log in name ( dan password kamu, , Pilih Regular e-mail (POP) lalu next

Setting POP yahoo opera (3)

16) isi seperti dibawah ini :

- Incoming server =

Gunakan Use secure connection (TLS)

Gunakan Leave messages on server (Agar email asli tidak terhapus)

- Outgoing server =

Gunakan Use secure connection (TLS)

Setting POP yahoo opera (4)

17) Lihat kembali email yg baru saja dibuat (Tools >> Mail and Chat Account…), lalu klik edit

18) Masuk ke tab Servers, lalu isi seperti dibawah ini :


Server             =

Port number  = 995 , gunakan secure connection (TLS)

Authenticatin = Auto

Username       =  emailmu at

Password        = password kamu


Server              =

Port number   = 465 , gunakan secure connection (TLS)

Authenticatin  = Auto

Username        =  emailmu at

Password         = password kamu

TAB Servers POP yahoo opera

19) Jika sudah selesai mengisinya Klik OK

20) Coba Check email kamu dari opera

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Cara Membuat Read More pada Blogspot

Free Website Hosting

Jika kita menulis posting pada blogspot, tulisan kita akan dimunculkan secara keseluruhan pada halaman depan. Ini mengakibatkan blog kita akan penuh dengan tulisan yang panjang ketika dibuka. Saat ini blogspot memang belum menyediakan fungsi "read more" ketika menulis posting. Harapannya sih bakal ada. Berbeda halnya dengan Wordpress CMS yang telah menyediakan tool pada bagian penulisan posting yang berfungsi untuk membagi tulisan yang akan tampil pada halaman utama (depan).
Fungsi "Read More" atau "Baca Selengkapnya", atau "Continue Reading" seperti pada blog ini adalah untuk membagi postingan menjadi 2 bagian sehingga yang muncul di halaman utama hanya sebagian saja, sedangkan untuk melihat isi keseluruhan bisa dilakukan dengan mengklik link "Read More" tersebut. Meskipun blogspot tidak menyediakan tool membuat Read More, kita masih bisa membuat Read More tersebut pada postingan kita dengan cara merombak sedikit template Blogspot yang kita gunakan. Ada 2 cara membuat Read More pada blogspot yang bisa kita gunakan:


1. Login ke akun blogspot pembaca.
2. Pada dasbor, klik link Tata Letak, kemudian pilih submenu Edit HTML.
3. Back up terlebih dahulu template blogspot pembaca agar jika terjadi kerusakan, masih bisa mengembalikan ke kondisi semula. Klik link Download Template Lengkap.
4. Beri centang pada bagian Expand Template Widget.
5. Silahkan cari kode seperti dibawah ini pada template pembaca.

Perlu diketahui bahwa kode tersebut ada yang sama dan ada yang beda dengan template Anda. Saya menggunakan template standart blogspot, MINIMA. Untuk menyiasatinya, pembaca cukup memastikan bahwa terdapat struktur class='post-body'.
6. Copy paste kode berikut pada kode yang Anda temukan pada langkah 5 di atas:

7. Selanjutnya cari kembali kode berikut ini:

8. Copy paste kode berikut di bawah kode yang Anda temukan pada langkah 7 di atas:

(NB: Anda boleh mengganti tulisan "Read More..." yang berwarna merah tersebut dengan tulisan "Baca selengkapnya...", "Lanjutkan...", dsb.
9. Setelah itu klik tombol SIMPAN TEMPLATE.
10. Masih pada dasbor blogspot pembaca, bukalah menu Pengaturan, kemudian pilihlah submenu Format. Pada bagian Template Posting yang ada di sebelah paling bawah, copy paste kode berikut:

11. Setelah itu klik tombol SIMPAN SETELAN.
12. Sekarang cobalah membuat sebuah posting baru. Pada tab Edit HTML pada kotak isian posting, pembaca akan melihat muncul tulisan yang Anda copy paste pada langkah 10 di atas.
13. Untuk membuat Read More muncul pada postingan, tulis bagian artikel yang hanya ingin ditampilkan pada halaman utama blog di atas kode
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Free Website Hosting

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PeaZip Portable 2.6.1

PeaZip Portable is the easy to use PeaZip file archiver packaged as a portable app, so you can take your file archiver with you and work with your compressed 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR files and more on the go.

Edit, save and restore archive layouts
Supported formats:
Pack / unpack: 7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, TAR, UPX, and ZIP
Unpack only: ACE, ARJ, CAB, DEB, ISO, LHA, RAR, RPM and more archive types...
Apply multiple filters to archive contents
Archive splitting and joining
Encryption and secure deletion
File comparison and checksum / hash (CRC, MD5, SHA...)
Download Here
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DVD Slideshow GUI

DVD slideshow GUI offers a very simple way to make your own slideshows. Just import your images, export them as an authored DVD-image(.iso) and burn it!
But DVD slideshow GUI offers much more:

180 different types of transitions.
Animate your overlapping images using zoom, pan and rotate.
Add videos(avi/avs) to you slideshow.
Add music, motion backgrounds, borders and subtitles.
Export to dvd video, dvd audio, dvd chapters, dvd subtitles, avi, flash, avisynth script, storyboards, single images with backgrounds, etc.
You can even make and add your own transitions(grayscale bitmaps or in avisynth code) and Post effects(avisynth code) and share them through the forum.
Import any type of image, any size.
Change image order move, copy, paste for one or more slides.
Code your own avisynth transitions.
Random transition.
Add your own avisynth, Free Frame, Photoshop CHA/AMP effects.
Import Exif data with photos.
What's New in version

More Presets window optimations.
Code clean up.
Max subtitle length: 168


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berhubung masih belajar saya coba2 dulu pake webhosting gratisan.
WOOOOOOOOOOOWWW.....kaget dah saya, ternyata biar gratis itu menyediakan fasilitas yang ga kalah dibanding hosting2 berbayar.
saya jamin anda -anda ga bakalan kecewa dengan webhosting gratis yang satu ini....
yang mau coba,gabung aja langsung ke di sini
goooooo...jadi deh website bikinan sendiri,bukan sekedar BLOG.
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setelah lama belajar ngeblog akhirnya sekarang saatnya belajar bikin website beneran...
berhubung masih belajar saya coba2 dulu pake webhosting gratisan.
WOOOOOOOOOOOWWW.....kaget dah saya, ternyata biar gratis itu menyediakan fasilitas yang ga kalah dibanding hosting2 berbayar.
saya jamin anda -anda ga bakalan kecewa dengan webhosting gratis yang satu ini....
yang mau coba,gabung aja langsung ke di sini

goooooo...jadi deh website bikinan sendiri,bukan sekedar BLOG.

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Download Hide-IP-Browser

Download Hide-IP-Browser

Direct download link

Using Hide-IP-Browser


Hide-IP-Browser is for PRIVACY only. Any use of the software for illegal or malicious purposes is a violation of our licensing agreement.

This product incorporate/utilize cryptographic algorithms which may be regulated (e.g., subject to export/import control regulations) or illegal in some countries. By downloading any of these products you signify that you agree that it is solely your responsibility to verify that it is legal/allowed to import and/or export and/or use the product in countries where you intend to use the product and/or to which you intend to import it and/or from which you intend to export it, and that it is solely your responsibility to comply with any such regulations/restrictions. By installing the product you further signify that you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our partners harmless from/against any liability, loss, damages, claims or causes of action, arising out of your import/export/use of the product.

You agree that your use of software will be limited to online privacy. You further agree that all software use will be in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. You will not use software to send unsolicited email, violate another website's terms of use, or for any other illegal or malicious purpose. You agree to consult an attorney if you are unaware of all relevant issues and requirements.

The developers, owners, and distributors (hereafter "owners") of this software are not liable for any violations by you, or losses incurred by you as a result of using the software. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the owners of this program harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, attorneys' fees, or other expenses.

Registering Hide-IP-Browser

GRANT OF LICENSE grants you a single, non-exclusive license to use the Hide-IP-Browser provided you agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Only one user is authorized to use the Hide-IP-Browser on one computer at a time (and not by more than one individual via a network).
You acknowledge that you do not become the owner of Hide-IP-Browser (software, programs and/or documentation). You agree not to transfer, rent, lease, resell, sub-license, reverse engineer, modify, translate, or share the Hide-IP-Browser, diskettes, or manual with any other person or firm.
While efforts are made to deliver high quality products, we do not guarantee software to be free from defects. The software is provided "as is", and you use the software at your own risk. We make no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Under no circumstances shall owners of software be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this software, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, even if has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of the data and equipment used in connection with this software.
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PicPick is a freeware all-in-one graphics tool for webmasters, designers, software developers or simple home users. It has a screen capture module, color picker, pixel ruler, image editor.


PicPick was recommended to me by Bear Bottoms, and I think I’ll thank him again for that. But let me tell you about the program first and then you’ll decide what I should do.

At a first look I was a little bit puzzled. I said to myself: “OK, is it a screenshot capture program, an image editor, a color picker, what is it?”

PicPick Screenshot 1

PicPick Screenshot 1

I opened the image posted above for editing in PicPick after I captured it with the program that I was using for that purpose, ScreenshotCaptor. PicPick offers basic editing facilities, but they are more than enough if you ask me.

PicPick Screenshot 2

PicPick Screenshot 2

The program also features a pixel ruler, a color picker, a very good screenshot capture module with scrolling support and multi screen support. There is another interesting feature called whiteboard, in which you can draw over your windows before you make the screen capture, and the output image will be processed with the lines you added on top of the window. Cool stuff.

PicPick Screenshot 3

PicPick Screenshot 3



Although it won’t replace The Gimp as my favorite image editor PicPick will definitely be my favorite screenshot capture program for a long time to come.

Version Tested


Operating System

Windows All

Download link

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Launchy 2.1.2

Launchy is an open source Windows and Linux program that helps you to launch the program you need without browsing through your Start Menu or looking for a shortcut on your desktop.
I guess you all know about Launchy. If you don’t, download it now, don’t wait until tomorrow. I was a little bit reluctant at first. I thought that I didn’t need a program to launch other programs. After trying Launchy I admit I was wrong.

Launchy Screenshot

Launchy Screenshot

My desktop is a little bit crowded right now with shortcuts to various programs, but with Launchy that’s not a problem anymore. Just type the first letters of the program you want to launch an you’re there faster than you can say “freeware“.

Launchy will run in the background and you just need to press Alt + Spacebar to use it. I was worried about its memory footprint, because it’s a program that runs in the background, but I checked it and it takes only about 10 MB.

You can customize the shortcut keys and also basically the whole program through the numerous plugins and skins that are available for free.

Version Tested



Operating System

Windows, Linux

Download link

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Top 10 Freeware Programs

Hello there my freeware friends! Last week I was thinking about how many freeware programs I have installed in my PC, after the first batch of 51 free programs and the second one of 72 programs installed in the Freeware Mission. I have over 80 freeware programs installed in my Windows XP PC right now, but which of these programs are the ones that I like the most? Or maybe the correct question would be which are the freeware programs that I couldn’t live without? I thought about picking my favorite 10 freeware programs, the programs that I use daily, even several times each day. Let’s see which ones I picked for the top 10…
(you can click on each program name to read a full review of the respective freeware program)

1. Launchy - Almost every time it’s the first program that I run after starting my PC because it makes it a lot easier for me to launch the programs that I want to run. It’s a free lightweight program launcher and I definitely couldn’t see my computer life without it.

2.  Google Chrome - Can you live without a web browser? I surely can’t. I noticed that the first thing that I do after starting my PC is opening Google Chrome and answering your comments and emails :) Chrome is my favorite web browser, mainly because it’s faster than my former favorite, Mozilla Firefox.

3.  Picasa 3 - Another crucial program for me is the image viewer, because I have some photos to see every day. Picasa is my favorite image viewer because it’s fast, reliable and offers me the features that I need. 

4.  PicPick - When I test freeware programs for this blog I always need a program that can make screenshot captures for me. The program that I’m using for this purpose (and not only for this) is PicPick. It’s a sort of Swiss Army Knife program, including a color picker and pixel ruler along with the screenshot capture capabilities.

5.  GOM Media Player - Next up, video files. I guess you play a few video files every day too, so a video player is a must have program in any PC. My favorite is GOM Player - it can handle various file types and subtitles too.

6.  Songbird - I couldn’t live without music, and since I’m listening my music almost entirely on the PC I must have a good free audio player. My favorite is Songbird, much more than an audio player, highly customizable and expandable with addons and all sorts of plugins. If you didn’t use it until now you should definitely try it.

7.  Glary Utilities - I have to keep my PC running smoothly, so I need a reliable free maintenance program. My pick is Glary Utilities, a powerful all-in-one utility that offers you a registry cleaner, disk cleaner, file splitter, memory optimizer, process manager, and I could go on and on for at least a few minutes. A must have for any Windows powered PC.

8.  StarBurn - After eliminating the paid programs from my PC one of the programs that I found difficult to replace was Nero, the DVD burner. I’m glad I found StarBurn, a good free DVD burning program that offers all the features that I need in order not to miss Nero.

9. - Microsoft Office? I really don’t need it anymore since I installed, a great open source office suite. Don’t even think about buying Microsoft Office, download and use for free, it really works very well.

10.  Avast - I guess you can’t even think about having a PC without an antivirus program installed. I’ve been using Avast for almost a whole year now and I had absolutely no problems with viruses or with the program. It has a small memory footprint and it did the job for me.

Whoops! Did I pick 10 already? Damn, I would have another 10 or twenty I couldn’t live without. Or maybe even 30 or 40, or maybe even more… :)

Do you want to download the Freeware Mission Top 10 right now? Well, first download from here. And now download the other nine programs :)


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PES 2009 preview

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PES 2009: Review Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0

Beberapa bulan yang lalu GamingAccess telah merilis patch terbaru untuk PES 2009 dengan nama Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0. Patch terbaru ini, menurut DHINATA seh bagus,.. tapi aq sendiri belum pernah nyoba. masih belum tak install hehe... Tapi buat temen-temen yg pengen , silahkan baca reviewnya dan download.

Kualitas Grafik dan Update Lengkap Original Kits

Dibandingkan dengan Patch lainnya, developer patch Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 seperti sangat serius sekali dalam membuat update yang super lengkap agar PES 2009 menjadi benar-benar original. Kostum, badge, logo, serta pernak-pernik klub dan tim nasional ditampilkan dalam desain aslinya.

Tampilan game juga terlihat lebih halus, terutama pada saat menampilkan Replay pemain dalam modus Autofocus, mirip dengan fungsi Autofocus pada kamera digital ketika menyorot salah satu pemain tapi pemain lainnya terlihat sedikit agak buram (blur).

Beberapa “benda asing” yang biasanya terlihat pada pertandingan sepak bola sesungguhnya juga terlihat. Misalnya, jika Kamu bermain di stadium Old Trafford (Markas besar Manchester United) Kamu bisa melihat botol-botol minum dipinggir lapangan juga didalam gawang, baik gawang tim kita maupun lawan.

Old Trafford Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0

PES 2009: autofokusScoreboard yang ditampilkan selama permainan juga dapat diganti loh. Ada 8 pilihan desain Scoreboard yang berbeda EPL Premier League, Premier Bundes Liga, Sky Sports, ESPN HD, Setanta dan lainnya. Kamu bisa menggantinya melalui aplikasi bernama Scoreboard Selector yang bisa diakses pada direktori Pro Evolution Soccer 2009\gakserver\scoreboard.exe. Screenshotnya bisa dilihat pada bagian akhir artikel ini.

Beberapa fitur lainnya seperti update face, Ball, dan lainnya dapat kamu lihat pada bagian Screenshot diakhir artikel.

Statistik Skill Pemain Disesuaikan

Nah, ini dia yang membedakan Gamingaccess Community Patch dengan patch lainnya. Menarik, bahwa kemampuan pemain disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan prestasi yang dimilikinya saat ini :) Misalnya Maldini (AC Milan) mengalami penurunan dalam stats Defense karena faktor usia.

Shevsenco (AC Milan) mungkin dulu seorang striker yang handal, tajam, dan gesit. Tapi sekarang prestasinya menurun. Oleh sebab itu Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 menurunkan beberapa stats striker yang minim prestasi. Beberapa pemain lainnya yang sudah lanjut usia, prestasi menurun, dan jarang tampil karena cedera juga mengalami penurunan stats.

Lain halnya dengan pemain yang berprestasi, top skor, dan bermain bagus musim ini akan mengalami kenaikan stats. Jadi benar-benar mirip banget dengan keadaan sepak bola di kehidupan nyata. Apa yang Kamu lihat di Tv, itulah yang akan Kamu mainkan di komputer :)

Dan Inilah Kekurangannya…

Kelihatannya memang gak ada kekurangannnya. DHINATACOM juga sebenarnya gak menemukan kekurangan yang berarti. Salah satu faktor yang bisa membuat gamer gak menggunakan Patch ini adalah game akan terasa berjalan lebih lambat dari biasanya. Hhhmmm terutama akan sangat terasa bagi pemilik PC dengan spesifikasi hardware yang pas-pasan.

Jika Kamu sedang merintis karir melalui mode Master League dan Become a Legend bersiaplah untuk kecewa karena File hasil Save-an gak bakal bisa dibuka, juga untuk Replay gol dan lainnya.

Liga Belanda yang biasa kita sebut Eredvise malah tidak DHINATACOM temukan, jadi klub-klub yang ada pada liga Belanda berada dalam wilayah FIFA, digabungkan bersama klub dari Liga Portugal, Skotlandia, Brazil, dan lainnya.

Ada juga bug pada keyboard controller. Gamer yang biasanya bermain dengan keyboard bisa jadi akan mengalami kesulitan karena terdapat delay antara waktu menekan tombol dan respon pergerakan pemain. Sering juga pemain bergerak lurus dan sulit bergerak bebas saat mendribble bola.

Link Download Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0

  1. Gamingaccess Community Patch 2.5 - Full Version
  2. GamingAccess Community Patch Update 2.5 >> 2.6
  3. GamingAccess Community Patch Update 2.6 >> 3.0

Kamu harus mendownload semuanya! Ukuran filenya cukup besar, total sekitar 440 Mb nggaya

Cara Install Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0

Untuk patch ini DHINATACOM menjamin Kamu gak akan kesulitan menginstallnya seperti patch-patch yang dulu. Cukup double klik file patch lalu ikuti perintahnya dengan mengklik Next dan Next lagi hingga selesai. Sebelum menginstall patch ini pastikan bahwa game PES 2009 Kamu masih bersih alias belum dinstall patch apapun.

Urutan install patchnya seperti ini:

  1. Gamingaccess Community Patch 2.5 - Full Version
  2. GamingAccess Community Patch Update 2.5 >> 2.6
  3. GamingAccess Community Patch Update 2.6 >> 3.0

Pokoknya gampang banget deh sinchan

Setelah instalasi patch selesai Kamu HARUS bermain PES 2009 melalui File GCP2009.exe dan gcp_settings.exe untuk membuka aplikasi setting PES 2009. Shortcut dan iconnya bisa Kamu lihat pada desktop atau Start Menu Windows.

Penilaian Hasil Review

Kualitas grafik: *****
Kompatibitilas: *****
Kemudahan Penggunaan: *****
Database Uptodate: *****
Kelengkapan dan Originalitas: *****

Catatan: Nilai ditentukan oleh banyaknya bintang merah.

Screenshot Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0

Berikut ini adalah beberapa screenshot yang bisa Kamu lihat seelum memutuskan untuk menggunakan Patch ini atau tidak.

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesarnya.

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Intro

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Main GUI

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC AC Milan Team

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC barclay scoreboard

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Ajax vs lyon

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Beckham

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC classic netherland

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Celtic vs Zenit

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC England vs Brazil

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC ESPN HD Scoreboard

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Internazionale

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Arsenal vs bayern munchen

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC League 1

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC League 2

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC League Copa

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC MU vs Chelsea

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Munchen vs bremen

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Old Trafford Stadium

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Pele

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Portugal vs italia

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Rooney

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Scoreboard Sky HD

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Scoreboard Sky Sports

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Stamford Bridge

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Stadium

Gamingaccess Community Patch 3.0 PES 2009 PC Scoreboard Selector

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesarnya. Kamu bisa langsung melihatnya atau mendownloadnya terlebih dahulu.

Happy gaming! nggaya

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